Confirmation Class Begins

Stanwich Greenwich

The Confirmation program at Stanwich aims to educate, equip, and inspire students to know Christ and make Him known. This program is designed for eighth-grade students, but is also open to any seventh-graders who feel that they are ready, and to high school students who may have missed an opportunity for confirmation as a younger student. The class allows students to explore questions of the faith through conversations, games, and lessons. All are welcome to join as we discover what we believe and grow in our understanding of the Christian life.


Confirmation is a 12-session program that occurs during the 10:45 AM Sunday worship service. Students enter the sanctuary with their families at 10:45 AM, then transition to the Student Space downstairs when the children and students are dismissed. Class concludes when the worship service concludes.


There is also a mandatory weekend retreat which enables the students to build relationships and expand on what they learned in class.


Interested in having your student join us? Register below, or contact Craig